Keeping your skin hydrated, healthy and shiny during summer months is a tricky task that unfortunately summer sun and the beautiful Myconian waters are not that helpful at. Even if you’ve chosen a broad-spectrum coverage sunscreen, there are some extra few steps you can take to help shield your face from the effects of the sun. Here are the essentials.
Photo Courtesy of instagram.com/guybourdinofficial
Vitamin C In addition to your sunscreen it is a good idea to combine it with a vitamin C serum. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and it supports SPF by “killing” the free radicals that cause photodamage.
More humidity Choose a rich moisturizer (hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe and so on) that hold onto water and attract moisture to the skin.
The after-sun show Always use a good quality aftersun whether or not you feel burnt. Your sun-stressed skin will thank you. The truth is that nothing soothes sunburnt skin better than an aloe vera gel, but our absolute favorite is the “Yoghurt After Sun Cooling Gel” from the Greek brand Korres; you can find it at Mykonos’ drugstores.
What’s about the SPF?
Sun exposure has been shown to be responsible for 80% of visible aging. So, when it comes to sun protection there are some simple rules to follow in order to stay protected and have optimal and happy skin. Here are the five basic SPF key-rules:
How much sunscreen? In general it’s ½ teaspoon for your face and neck (two milligrams of sunscreen per square centimeter of skin, according to FDA). For the rest of your skin almost as much as a full shot glass should be the minimum for everyday use. If it is too much for you to do it all in one step, you can try to apply first a smaller amount, wait a few minutes and then apply the rest.
The re-application This is a key-rule! First of all you have to stick to the “2mg/cm²” rule. Then everything depends on where, when and how much you are going to stay in the sun. If you’re inside for most of the day, then morning application is enough. If you’re going to be outside then definitely re-apply. The “two hours” rule is recommended if you’re sweating or jumping in and out of the water.
How do you do it The best way to know if you do it right, is to see the sunscreen on your skin, then massage it in just a little. You can simply slather it on instead of rubbing it into the skin.
The expiration date Can you remember when you bought your sunscreen? If you’re using sunprotection and consistently getting burned, check the expiration. On every sunscreen you will find an expiration date. It’s very important to check the package for that date at the start of every season.
Makeup and sunprotection Find a sunscreen that works as a nice base under your foundation. Apply enough, let it set, and then go forth with your makeup while trying not to disturb the sunscreen too much.

Photos Courtesy of netaporter.com (left photo) Photography Thiemo Sander, The Licensing Project (right photo) Photography Florian Sommet, Trunk Archive
Always remember
Make sure it’s broad spectrum to ensure “protection from both UVA and UVB radiation”. Remember that sunscreen never means you’re 100% protected and there is no such thing as “waterproof” sunscreen. Αs for UV protection, UVA is for protection from (skin) aging, while UVB protects you from burning. And last but not least: pursue shade, wear a hat and sunglasses (here are Magda’s faves for the season). That means: protected and chic!
If you don’t already have a sunscreen you love or that after-sun lotion, now is the time to find one. Here are our suggestions for beauty shops and in Mykonos:
Hondos Center: +30 2289 024483
Sephora: +30 2289 027509
Olive tree: +30 2289 027951
Rouge Parfumeries Mykonos: +30 2289 028999
Olive oil shop: +30 22890 23598