I met Mykonos when I was 19 and it has been love at first sight. Ever since I visit the island almost every summer -sometimes even in spring. I am Nikos and this is “my Mykonos”.
Favorite first thing to do every time you are on the island, I love to arrive early in the morning and run to one of the Yalos cafes for local people watching. At that time the only ones awake are usually the older locals, the true Mykonians, buying their fish of the day at the market. It is really one of the very rare chances you get to see them, they are usually lost in the summer crowds.
Favorite beach, the shallow part of my hotel’s swimming pool. I am not a beach boy, I don’t like salty water on me.
Best sunset, @Little Venice. Anywhere at Little Venice. It is a tradition, an absolute cliché but a beloved one too.
Best memory, several summers ago, at the age of 20sth, when after having far too many mastihas we got lost for hours in the alleys of Hora running to one surprise after the other…
New best memory that you would like to create, Actually I would like to be as careless as back then and be able to relive it.
Best company on the island, my partner for life and close friends.
Mykonos by day or by night? By afternoon. Love the amazing sunsets and the unique people watching of that hour in Hora.
Favorite restaurant, Spilia at Ayia Anna beach.
Favorite bar, I do not have one.
Share with us an “only on Mykonos” experience you had, spending an afternoon high street shopping in a bathing suit
Do not leave Mykonos without, doing something -anything- that liberates you in a way