Osklen is one of Brazil’s most iconic fashion brands. In terms of style and DNA, the brand represents the contemporary Brazilian lifestyle in a world where urban and nature, global and local, organic and technological live together.
Oskar Metsavaht, the founder and style director of Osklen, has got a clear vision and a strong concept encapsulating his taste for minimal design; the brand’s ID finds itself between the dynamism of the metropolis and the exuberance of Brazilian nature, giving life to a style based on the harmonization of contrasts. According to him: “A brand is identified as luxurious if it involves so-called noble values. These, however, imply social concern and the preservation of natural resources for the next generations”.
One example is the gorgeous Pirarucu collection: The Pirarucu fish is commonly used in Brazil, however its skin is usually discarded after consumption thus creating biological pollution. Osklen finds purpose in the skin and uses it as a noble material in their shoes and bags. The brand’s Pirarucu skin products are made with sustainable practices.
Osklen makes it look so easy to blend nature and fashion in such a harmonious way, presenting super interesting luxurious clothes and accessories.